After the signature vase Tjep. decided it would be nice to personalise a product based on the image of it’s owner. Sticking a picture on a product is to easy, to flat. And we would be doing nothing more than the funny jug you give at birthday parties or when somebody retires! No the picture had to influence the very shape of the object. Every pixel gets a different inclination which catches more or less light. We were so happy with the result that we made an entire building out of it! See Lucky building here.

Copyrights, design and images belong to Tjep.


Date: January 2010
Client: Tjep.
Design team: Frank TjepkemaLeonie Janssen, Yannic Alidarso
Size: 25×25 cm
Production technique: 
3D printing
Status: Prototype
Photography: Yannic Alidarso